
Creation of the World. Cycle of 13 paintings

The Zodiac. The cycle of 12 paintings.

Winter. The cycle of 8 paintings.

Funeral Symphony. Cycle of 7 paintings

Storm. Cycle of 6 paintings.

Fantasies. Cycle of 10 paintings

"The City". Cycle of sketches

Sonata II (Sonata of the Spring)

Sonata I (Sonata of the Sun)

Deluge. Cycle of 5 paintings

Sonata No. 4 (Sonata of the Summer).

Sonata No. 3 (Sonata of the Serpent)

Fantasy. Triptych.

Hymn. The cycle of 3 paintings

Sonata No. 5 (Sonata of the Sea)

The Prince’s Journey. Triptych.

Sparks. The cycle of 3 paintings

My Road. Triptych.

City. Cycle.

The Day. Cycle of 4 paintings

Fairy Tale. Triptych.

Sonata No. 7 (Sonata of the Pyramids).

Raigardas. The Triptych.

Rex. Triptych

Wrath. Cycle of 3 paintings

Summer. Triptych

Sorrow. The cycle.

Prelude. Fugue. Diptych.

Rex. Diptych for Stained Glass

Daybreak. The cycle of 2 paintings.

Stained Glass

Sonata No. 6 (Sonata of the Stars)

Prelude and Fugue. Diptych.