Fantasies. Cycle of 10 paintings

M. K. Čiurlionis' early work - the cycle "Fantasies". The cycle had 10 paintings, but only 6 remain. All of them were painted in 1904.

Composition. From the cycle of 10 paintings “Fantasies

  • 1904/5
  • paper
  • pastel

Night. From the cycle of 10 paintings “Fantasies”.

  • 1904/5
  • paper
  • pastel

Bridges. From the cycle of 10 paintings “Fantasies”.

  • 1904/5
  • paper
  • pastel

Faces. From the cycle of 10 paintings “Fantasies”.

  • 1904/5
  • paper
  • pastel

Vision. From the cycle of 10 paintings “Fantasies”.

  • 1904/5
  • paper
  • pastel

The World of Mars. From the cycle of 10 paintings “Fantasies”.

  • 1904/5
  • paper
  • pastel