1875 Birth of M. K. ČiurlionisOn 22th September, 1875 Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis was born in Varėna.
1880 Čiurlionis First TalentsM. K. Čiurlionis could play the piano by ear at the age of 5 and read notes at the age of 7.
1889/1893 M. K. Čiurlionis studies in PlungėČiurlionis starts his musical studies in duke’s Michał Mikołaj Ogiński Orchestra School in Plungė.
1894/1899 M. K. Čiurlionis' musical studies in WarsawSponsored by M. Ogiński, M. K. Čiurlionis studied in Warsaw Institute of Music (1894-1899).
1899 De ProfundisM. K. Čiurlionis's final work "De Profundis", presented at the Warsaw Music Institute in 1899.
1901 M. K. Čiurlionis musical studies in LeipzigIn 1901 M. K. Čiurlionis joined the Royal Conservatory of Leipzig. 14th July 1902 he received his music teacher’s license.
1900/1 Symphonic Poem „In the Forest“In 1900/1 M. K. Čiurlionis composed a symphonic poem "In the Forest" and dedicated it to his friend E. Morawski.
1902 M. K. Čiurlionis started learning to paintIn 1902 M. K. Čiurlionis started studying in Warsaw Drawing School (his professor is J. Kauzik).
1903 Funeral Symphony. The cycle of 7 paintingsM. K. Čiurlionis' early work - the cycle "Funeral symphony", painted in 1903.
1904 Čiurlionis at the Warsaw School of ArtIn 1904 M. K. Čiurlionis signed up to the newly opened Warsaw School of Fine Arts.
1904 Storm. Cycle of 6 paintings.Čiurlionis's lost cycle "The Storm" was first exhibited in 1904 at the Warsaw School of Fine Arts exhibition.
1905 M. K. Čiurlionis continues his studies in WarsawM. K. Čiurlionis' first personal exhibition was organized by Warsaw School of Fine Arts.
1905 Anapa. 1905.M. K. Čiurlionis photography album "Anapa. 1905" is the only surviving photo album, made by this artist. See the photos here.
1906 M. K. Čiurlionis' First RecognitionsFirst articles about M. K. Čiurlionis paintings started to appear.
1907 M. K. Čiurlionis in VilniusM.K. Čiurlionis took part in the First Lithuanian Art Exhibition in Vilnius, and later met Sofija Kymantaitė.
1903/7 Symphonic Poem "The Sea"Galinga jūra. Didi, beribė, neišmatuota. Visas dangus apgaubia savo mėlyne tavo bangas, o tu, didybės pilna, alsuoji tyliai ir ramiai, nes žinai, kad nėra ribų
1907 Winter. The cycle of 8 paintings. The “Winter” cycle is one of Čiurlionis' most masterful creations in terms of plasticity.
1908 Čiurlionis became involved in social activitiesM. K. Čiurlionis organised the Second Exhibition of Lithuanian Art, wrote for "Vilniaus žinios" (Vilnius News), and directed the "Vilnius Kankles" choir.
1909 Čiurlionis got married and went to St PetersburgFor Čiurlionis, 1909, which began with a wedding, was full of painting, ended in exhaustion.
1908/9 Tulips (Vignette)"Tulips (Vignette)", an ink composition created by M. K. Čiurlionis in 1908/9.
1909 Stage curtain for the “Rūta” societyIn June 1909, M. K. Čiurlionis, together with Sofija, painted a curtain for the "Rūta" Society.
1910 M. K. Čiurlionis in a health resortAlthough Čiurlionis spent his days in a health resort, his works continued to travel and fascinate audiences.
1911 M. K. Čiurlionis' deathAlthough his health initially improved, at the end of March Čiurlionis contracted pneumonia and died on 10th April 1911.